Home Code of Business Conduct FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about EthicsPoint Hotline

1. What is EthicsPoint Hotline?

EthicsPoint Hotline is a comprehensive and confidential secured website intake or phone line reporting system created by NAVEX to assist employees in addressing misconduct issues in the workplace.

Through the phone line, a toll-free number now available in 10 countries/languages, you will reach an independent adviser to assist you in filing your report and/or answer the questions you may have with regards to filing a report.

Via EthicsPoint Hotline, you have the possibility to file a confidential and anonymous (if you choose so and if permissible under applicable legal regulation(s)) report via the internet to alert on concern and/or an alleged violation of our Code of Business Conduct. EthicsPoint Hotline is available in 10 different languages.

2. What can I report?

You can report any concern and/or alleged violation of our Code of Business Conduct on the following topics: i) Financial, Treasury and Accounting, ii) discrimination and harassment, iii) Anti-Competition and Anti-Trust, iv) Conflict of interests, v) Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery, vi) Health, Safety, Security and Environment, vii) Trade Compliance, viii) Human Rights, ix) Protection of Information and Assets, x) Insider Dealing and xi) fraud, money laundering or anti-facilitation of tax evasion

3. How does EthicsPoint Hotline work?

Navigate to the EthicsPoint Hotline service page (Viridien.ethicspoint.com) and follow the instructions. You will be given a unique case number that you can use when you return to the website.

4. Is the EthicsPoint Hotline difficult to use?

No – You will be guided once you enter into the system.

5. Who is the “Recipient” of my message?

NAVEX via the EthicsPoint secured website will receive the message and then pass it to Viridien Ethics Committee on a confidential basis (and anonymously if you have selected this option).

6. Can Viridien trace my message?

No. Viridien has no access to the EthicsPoint secured website.

The service is NAVEX, an independent third party. NAVEX is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity. EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses so no information linking your PC to EthicsPoint is available.

If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work PC, you have the option of using any computer or device accessible to you.

7. Can I file and remain anonymous? Can I still receive a response: how can I do this?

Yes. However, in some countries, it is legally prohibited to report on an anonymous basis. However, whether you file on an anonymous basis or not, the process remains the same. EthicsPoint Hotline system will give you a unique case number. Please keep it secure. This case number enables you to read Viridien’s response when you return to the website even if you have filed your report on an anonymous basis.

8. What if my boss or other managers are involved in a violation? Will they get the report?

No. The EthicsPoint Hotline system is designated so that implicated parties are not notified or granted access to reports in which they have been named. The violation will be managed by the Viridien Ethics Committee on a confidential basis.

9. How quickly will my message be passed on to the Viridien Ethics Committee?

Your message will be sent to the Viridien Ethics Committee within one working day at the latest.

10. What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? What if Viridien has further questions for me concerning my report?

When you file a report at the EthicsPoint Hotline, you receive a unique user name and are asked to choose a password. You can return to the EthicsPoint Hotline system again by Internet and access the original report to add more detail or answer questions posed by the Ethics Committee and add further information that will help resolve open issues. We strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer the questions posted if any. You and Viridien now have entered into a “dialogue” which can be anonymous (or not) based on your choice and if permissible under the applicable legal regulation(s), where situations are not only identified, but can also be resolved, no matter how complex. The whole dialogue is confidential except when it is not possible for the purpose of the investigation or because of legal requirements. The Viridien Ethics Committee may refer to some other internal Departments (Human Resources, Finance, etc.) for expertise as needed for the purpose of investigating the case and/or even contact external advisors.

11. How long does it take for a response?

Viridien has committed to provide a first response within 5 to 7 working days.

12. Can I leave a message in my native language?

Yes, the EthicsPoint Hotline is now available in 10 languages so you can leave the message in your native language. You will be prompted to select a language as you enter into the system.

13. Can I attach documents?
