TUI Speak Up

At TUI we are committed to respecting the law and acting with integrity.

Through the Speak Up line you can report any concerns about actual or potential violation of applicable law or internal policies, including human rights, environmental sustainability and Digital Services Act.

Reporters will not suffer any adverse consequences if they report a possible violation in good faith.

Things you need to know about TUI Speak Up

What is TUI Speak Up?

TUI is committed to protect anyone who raises concerns. The TUI Speak Up Line, our whistle-blower hotline, is a confidential channel to anonymously report concerns to our Integrity & Compliance Team 365/24/7 via phone or internet. The reports are handled by the Integrity & Compliance Team itself or passed on to the respective responsible department. The system is provided and operated by NAVEX, an external provider with servers hosted in the EU.

Who can report a concern?

TUI encourages everyone who has the knowledge or suspicion about an actual or a potential Compliance Violation caused by the economic activities of TUI or by a supplier of TUI to use the available channels to report concerns.

What happens after I contact TUI Speak Up?

Reports made via TUI Speak Up Line are received and handled by the Integrity & Compliance Team with the required care and professionalism. Once a report is made through the TUI Speak Up Line, the team will receive the report (translated if needed) within approx. 24 hours. The Integrity & Compliance Team will make an initial assessment of the report that includes a plausibility check and the decision on next steps. The initial assessment might result in either starting an internal investigation of the reported concern or closing the report if there is no justification for further investigation, e.g. no indication for violation or misconduct.

Depending on the nature of the issue the report might be investigated not directly by the Integrity & Compliance Team and the communication with the messenger handed over to the respective responsible department e.g. Group Audit, Group Sustainability, Group Health & Safety per internal procedures and risk ownership. Persons entrusted with the conduct of proceedings are ensured to be impartial, be independent and not bound by instructions and sworn to confidentiality.

What is TUI’s stance on retaliation?

If a person reports a potential violation in good faith, TUI will keep this confidential and protect the identity of the messenger. Whether or not this turns out to be valid, the person will not be subject to retaliatory or disciplinary action or to any other adverse consequences.

TUI will not tolerate any form of retaliation, including the threat of retaliation against reporting persons who made their reports in good faith. Furthermore, TUI does not tolerate any form of retaliation against:

  • Any third person connected with the reporting person, e.g. colleagues and relatives, who could suffer retaliation in a work-related context,
  • Anyone who assisted a reporting person in the reporting process.

Are Speak Up reports confidential? Can I report anonymously?

The TUI Speak Up Line allows anonymous reporting. The reports are handled with great care and are available to a small number of individuals from the Integrity & Compliance Team. We encourage messengers to identify themselves (by sharing their name, position, and contact details) when making a report to allow a more efficient communication and better handling of the report. Nevertheless, if anyone doesn’t feel comfortable about disclosing the identity, the report can be done anonymously.

Who administers TUI Speak Up?

Reports made via TUI Speak Up Line are received and handled by the Integrity & Compliance Team with the required care and professionalism.

Depending on the nature of the issue the report might be investigated not directly by the Integrity & Compliance Team and the communication with the messenger handed over to the respective responsible department e.g. Group Audit, Group Sustainability, Group Health & Safety per internal procedures and risk ownership. Persons entrusted with the conduct of proceedings are ensured to be impartial, be independent and not bound by instructions and sworn to confidentiality.