The Speak Up service
Speak Up is the confidential reporting service of SHV and its Groups. It is operated by an independent company called NAVEX. You can raise concerns about a potential violation of your company’s code of conduct, policies or the law. You can submit a report online or by phone.
You will receive a unique code called a Report Key. You will also be asked to create a password. You can use this Report Key and password to return to the Speak Up phone line or website to answer any questions from investigators or provide additional information. We will also inform you about the outcome here.
Make things right
At SHV we believe that you are at your best in a safe, fair and trusted work environment. A workplace where people respect the law and act with integrity.
When you think something's wrong, speaking up gives us the opportunity to make things right. We trust you to share your concern and help us resolve any possible issues.