
Get Feedback

Please enter the report key provided to you and the password you created when you submitted your question or concern.

You can use this functionality to follow up on a question or concern submitted to SpeakUp either by phone or online.

This allows you to communicate with EssilorLuxottica and access feedback, answers, comments or additional questions that EssilorLuxottica might have for you.

You can also use this “follow up” functionality to provide updated or additional information to EssilorLuxottica.

To follow up on a concern reported BEFORE 27/11/2023 please click here.

To follow up on a concern reported on or AFTER 27/11/2023 please enter your Report Key and Password below:

Report key


Remember to keep your report key and password in a safe place.
After a few business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

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