Introducing the Toll Disclosure Hotline

Click here to report a concern or find the hotline number for your location.

The Toll Group is committed to accountability and integrity. Our Code of Practice and Supplier Code of Practice contain general guidelines for conducting business ethically.

The Toll Disclosure Hotline is a completely independent online reporting service that gives you the opportunity to confidentially report fraud, unethical conduct, unlawful conduct and other improper conduct, including breaches of our Code of Practice or Supplier Code of Practice. If you want to, you can do this anonymously. Any report made to the Toll Disclosure Hotline will be referred to Toll for assessment and investigation.

Fraud and other improper or unethical conduct has a negative effect on our workplace and reputation. By reporting such matters, including possible breaches of our Code of Practice, you can help Toll identify wrongdoing that may otherwise remain uncovered. This helps us to uphold our reputation and take steps to ensure everyone is safe and secure in our work environment.

The Toll Disclosure Hotline is also authorised to confidentially receive reports – made anonymously or otherwise – about matters that are considered “Qualifying Disclosures”. If you make a Qualifying Disclosure, you will be eligible for certain legal protections, which are described in Toll’s Whistleblower Policy, which employees can access here.

If you see or have reasonable grounds to suspect misconduct or something wrong such as:

  • Fraud;
  • Theft and improper conduct;
  • Dishonesty;
  • Violence or threatened violence;
  • Criminal or illegal activity, including damage of property and other offences;
  • Corruption, conflicts of interest, human rights abuses, breaches of international economic sanctions and export controls, improper actions relevant to tax affairs;
  • Systemic or widespread harassment, discrimination, victimisation or bullying;
  • A breach of our Code of Practice or Supplier Code of Practice, or internal policies and standards,

Toll encourages you to speak up using the Toll Disclosure Hotline.

Toll encourages you to raise personal employment-related grievances and other day-to-day concerns at any time with your line manager, supervisor or Group HR representative. However, if you have any personal employment-related concerns you believe cannot be addressed by such persons, you may instead directly contact the Toll Disclosure Hotline.

Our Commitment


Toll encourages you to submit reports using the Toll Disclosure Hotline, hosted by an independent third party provider, EthicsPoint.

Regardless of whether you request anonymity, the information provided to the Toll Disclosure Hotline will be referred to Toll’s Group Compliance & Security for a confidential assessment and investigation. If you request anonymity, your name and gender will not be referred to in the report sent to Toll.

If you do not consent to your report (including any identifying details) being provided to Toll for assessment and investigation, Toll encourages you to instead directly contact Toll’s Chief Compliance & Security Officer or another member of Toll’s Group Leadership Team (GLT) to report your concern.

Protection from Detrimental Action

The Toll Group is committed to an environment where open and honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We are committed to listening to those who raise concerns and responding to issues identified and will protect such persons from unlawful retaliation as a result of their disclosures.

See the Toll Disclosure Hotline FAQs for more information.