Reporting – British Council’s Speak Up Service

How do I report a concern through the British Council Speak Up Service (NAVEX)?

You can submit a confidential, anonymous report via Online, Phone or QR Code. All service channels are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

You can file a report from any device that can access the Internet. If you don’t have access to or are uncomfortable filing a report online, you can call the NAVEX toll-free hotline, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you use NAVEX to report your concern you will be given a “Report Key”, which you should keep. You will need this to call back or to access the service. You can do this to check for feedback or questions from the person handling your case and to provide additional information. Your “Report Key” is particularly important if you choose to remain anonymous because the person handling your case will only be able to contact you through NAVEX.

When not to use NAVEX

The service is designed for the reporting of serious wrongdoing; it is not intended as an emergency or complaints hotline. If you have other concerns, please first speak to your line manager, or a senior manager in your work area.

What types of situations should I report?

Any violation of British Council’s Code of Conduct, policies and procedures, or incidents of malpractice or wrongdoing, such as:

If I see a violation, shouldn't I just report it to my manager, Security, or a member of the People Function, and let them deal with it?

You should raise your concerns with any manager or the relevant specialist team(s). However, we recognise that there may be circumstances when you may not be comfortable reporting the issue in this manner. It is for such circumstances that we have partnered with NAVEX and established this service. We would rather you report through an independent channel than keep the information to yourself.

Will I be treated negatively for raising a concern?

We regard all concerns as having been raised in good faith. If you feel you have been treated negatively as a result of raising a concern in good faith then you should report this to an appropriate manager.

Who assesses and investigates the matters reported?

When a matter is reported through the NAVEX service, the report will be received by the members of British Council’s Global Employee Relations Team.

The Global Employee Relations team will review the report and determine how best the concern should be managed under British Council processes and procedures, and by whom. They may pass your report to the appropriate specialist team or they may contact you via this service for further details, if necessary.

If the report relates to a member of the Global Employee Relations Team, that person will not be notified, nor receive the report. To ensure a confidential, fair and transparent system for reporting, the system automatically excludes that person.

I am concerned that the information I provide through the Speak Up service (NAVEX) will ultimately reveal my identity. How can you assure me that will not happen?

If you report a concern via Online, Phone or QR Code you have the option to report anonymously or provide your identity. If you wish to report anonymously, the system protects your anonymity. However, if you are reporting anonymously, you - as the reporting party - need to ensure that you do not reveal anything that might identify you by accident. For example, “From my desk next to Jan Smith…” or “In my 33 years…”.

We will make every reasonable effort to investigate concerns raised anonymously, but our ability to do so may be limited.

What if my manager or other managers are involved in a violation? Won’t they get the report and start a cover-up?

When you submit a report through the Speak Up service, only the members of the Global Employee Relations Team will be notified and will be able to access the report. When determining which person in the organisation would be best placed to consider action, the Global Employee Relations Team will take account of what has been reported, to ensure that the process that follows maintains integrity. If the person(s) identified as being involved in the violation is also a member of the Global Employee Relations team, the Speak Up system ensures that implicated parties are not notified or granted access to reports in which they have been named.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? Or what if the company has further questions for me concerning my report?

When you file a report through the Speak Up service, you receive a unique, randomised number called a “Report Key” and are asked to choose a password. You can then return to the Speak Up portal to access your report, using your Report Key and password, and add more detail or answer questions posed by the team reviewing your report. We encourage you to return to the site in the time specified to answer any questions, so your concerns can be resolved in a timely manner.

Are these follow-ups on reports as secure as the first one?

All correspondence that takes place through the service is held in the same strict confidence as the initial report, continuing under the umbrella of anonymity (if you have chosen to report anonymously).

What if I lose my Report Key or forget the Password I created?

Unfortunately, if you lose or forget your ‘’Report Key’’ or password you cannot reset or request another Report Key or password. The system operates in this manner to ensure that security and confidentiality is maintained.

If you have forgotten your Report Key or password, you will need to file a new report in the Speak Up service. When reporting, you should indicate that this new report is related to a report or question you have previously submitted.