The bank for a changing world

About BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform

Reporting – General

Reporting Security & Confidentiality

Tips & Best Practices

About BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform

What is BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform?

BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform is a comprehensive and confidential reporting system that enables employees and certain external third parties to report any situation contrary to laws, regulations, Code of conduct or internal policies/procedures while cultivating a positive work environment.

Why do we need a system like BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform?

BNP Paribas pays close attention to the concerns of its employees, shareholders, suppliers, and the company as a whole. The Group is determined to listen to them, to understand them and to seek to address them in a fair and effective manner.

This is why the Group's commitment continues to be strengthened to prevent, detect and combat any unethical behavior, any violation of laws, regulations, Code of conduct or internal policies/procedures.

An effective reporting system is an essential tool for maintaining a secured work environment, ensuring the compliance of our actions with the Group' standards and contributing to strengthen the trust of our employees, shareholders, and partners.

Reporting – General

How do I file a report on BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform?

BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform enables you to file a confidential alert via either the Web reporting tool or the telephone (when existing).

In the event you are unable to use the Web reporting tool or the telephone, you may submit your report to your HRBP for HR matters or to your local Compliance Officer for any other matters.

What types of situations should I report?

BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform allows employees and certain third parties to report any actual or suspected violation of laws, regulations, Code of conduct or internal policies/procedures.

If I see a violation, shouldn't I just report it to my manager?

Any situation contrary to laws, regulations, Code of conduct or internal policies/procedures should be reported to your manager. If you are not comfortable with it, you can report your concerns through the tool, through an anonymous alert if you wish.

Making an alert is a right and no employee may be sanctioned, dismissed, or discriminated against, directly or indirectly, for launching an alert in good faith.

What information should I communicate?

You should provide the precise and information you have and, if possible, documents, whatever their form or medium. The information and documents communicated must be directly related to the subject matter of the report.

Where do these reports go? Who can access them?

Alerts are routed automatically to BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform which is based on the nature of the alert.

The recipients of the alerts are HR Conduct referents for Respect for Persons matters, and Compliance referents for all other types of concerns. Each referent has been trained in keeping the alerts in the utmost confidence.

The confidentiality of the facts, the identity of the whistleblower and the persons involved are preserved throughout the process.

The persons involved in the handling of alerts are subject to strict confidentiality rules.

Is it safe to report?

Yes. It is safe to report a concern. No employee may be subject to retaliation for reporting an alert. This protection is also provided for any employee who has testified or provided evidence for the investigation.

An employee who feels that she or he is the victim of professional retaliation due to raising an alert may report this situation.

I am not an employee; can I still report an issue?

Yes. You can still file a report. BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform is open to certain external third parties, as per the legal provisions in force, and at least to former Group employees, suppliers, and their sub-contractors for situation during work-related activities.

Do I select Respect for persons matters or other matters when my concerns are related to both?

You select the topic that you believe to be the main matters of your concerns. This report will be handled by a HR Conduct referent for the Respect for Persons matters and a Compliance whistleblowing referent for the other topics.

Reporting Security & Confidentiality

It is my understanding that any report I send from a company computer generates a server log that shows every website that my PC connects with. Won’t this log identify me as the report originator?

BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform does not generate or maintain any internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your PC to BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform is available.

If you feel uncomfortable making a report on your work PC, you have the option of using a PC outside our work environment through BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform secure website.

Can I file a report from home and remain anonymous?

Yes. A report from home, or any Internet portal will remain secure and anonymous. An Internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform strips away Internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained.

I am concerned that the information I provide BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform will ultimately reveal my identity. How can you assure me that this will not happen?

BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform protects your anonymity. You – as a reporting party – can also help to retain the anonymity by ensuring that the content of your report does not inadvertently reveal your identity. For example, “From my desk near to Jan Smith…” or ‘In my 33 years…”.

Is the telephone toll-free hot line confidential and anonymous too?

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an online report and an interviewer will type your responses into BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform Web site. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them during delivery.

What if I want to be identified with my report?

There is a section in the report to identify yourself if you wish.

Tips & Best Practices

I am not sure if what I have observed or heard is a violation of company policy, or involves unethical conduct, but it just does not look right to me. What should I do?

Don’t hesitate to file a report.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I have filed the report? Or what if the company has further questions for me concerning my report?

After you have filed a report on Web reporting tool or by phone (when existing), you receive a unique, randomized number called a “Report Key” and are asked to choose a password. You can return to BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform again either online or telephone and access the original report to add more information or answer questions posed by BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform. We strongly suggest that you return to the site in the time specified to answer questions.

Are these follow-ups on reports as secure as the first one?

All BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform correspondences are held in the same strict confidence as the initial report.

What if I lose my Report Key or forget the Password I created?

To ensure that security and confidentiality is maintained, if you lose your report key or password, you will need to file a new report. Mention in the new report that it is related to a report or question you previously submitted.

Can I still file a report if I don’t have access to the Internet?

You can file an BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform report from any computer that can access the Internet. If you don’t have access to or are uncomfortable using a computer, you can contact BNP Paribas Whistleblowing Platform by phone (toll-free, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) when existing for your country.