Hitachi Global Compliance Hotline

Every action matters. Speak up!

Report a Concern by Phone

Please note that you may have to wait for your call to be dealt with if a call handler who speaks the language in which you select to make your report is not immediately available. If you do not wish to wait or a call handler is not available within 4 minutes you can either report your concern in English through the hotline, make your report online through this website or call back later.

What should I do if the telephone number is not working?

If the telephone number listed is not functioning, make your report online through this website.

Indicate in the report that the telephone number did not work.

What should I do if the country I am in is not listed above?

If there is no service for your location, make your report online through this website

Indicate in the report that dialing instructions for the country you are located in were not available.