Our Commitment

ITP Aero is committed to the highest standards of quality, safety and business ethics. All of us who are part of ITP Aero must behave with integrity, responsibility and honesty in our work. Our Code of Conduct sets out the main responsibilities and obligations that everyone at ITP Aero must comply with. The Code is a guide for action to ensure proper behavior in our daily work in the countries around the world where we operate.

ITP Aero provides an environment where open and honest communication is the norm, and where you can raise questions or report any complaints without fear of retaliation. If you have any questions or complaints about business ethics or the laws and regulations that apply to your workplace, we encourage you to use this service as a resource for reporting. Your complaints will always be kept confidential, and you can submit them anonymously if you wish.

We guarantee that we will take your feedback into account.

See the FAQ section for more information.

The Ethics Line is one of the elements of ITP Aero's internal information system and guarantees compliance with all applicable regulations, including Spanish Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of people who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption.

Report a concern Report any actions or behaviors that you believe are inconsistent with the ITP Aero's Code of Conduct or may violate applicable law. ? Ask a question Do you have any questions about ethics or our Code of Conduct? Raise them here Call us Speak directly to a communication specialist about your question or concern
Why should I report what I know?

At ITP Aero, we are committed to creating and maintaining an environment where you can raise questions, concerns or complaints about business ethics without fear of retaliation. Like many large companies, ITP Aero provides the Ethics Line as an optional service for employees and stakeholders to raise questions or complaints related to our Code of Conduct or the laws and regulations applicable to their workplace. Although most questions and concerns raised by employees can be resolved in a simple and timely manner by addressing them directly to their supervisors or through the other mechanisms defined in the ITP Aero's Whistleblower Management Policy, the Ethics Line provides an additional way for employees who do not feel comfortable addressing their questions or concerns to the company's management. The Ethics Line is not intended to replace discussions between employees and their supervisors, specialists, or Local Ethics Advisors (LEAs), but rather to provide an additional resource for employees.

Who manages the Ethics Line What happens when I share a concern?

Ethics Point is an independent company, which is responsible for the reception of Ethics Line cases and inquiries. This provides to ITP Aero employees with an assurance that their complaints/queries will be kept confidential.

All allegations/queries, whether submitted by phone or online are reviewed in a timely manner by EthicsPoint specialists with appropriate professional training. A report is then sent to ITP Aero's Ethics and Compliance team.

The ITP Aero Ethics and Compliance team is notified so that they can access your concern and initiate the investigation. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, appropriate corrective action will be taken to address violations of the Code of Conduct or our Policies. Those responsible for following up on your report are professionals trained to handle the issue as discreetly as possible.

All reports are recorded in a database for case management purposes. If you have documents, records, photographs or videos, you can also send them to EthicsPoint so that they can be included in the report file. Their retention will be governed by the periods established in the current legislation.

How do I use the Ethics Line?

The Ethics Line has two methods of intake. The first is by toll-free telephone number, which is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7), every day of the year. When you call, a professionally trained EthicsPoint intake specialist will guide you through a series of questions designed to identify the relevant details of your question or concern.

We encourage you to give your name and contact information and the intake specialist will note that information. If you choose to remain anonymous, EthicsPoint will make no effort to trace the call or take steps to learn your identity. If you choose to identify yourself when you contact the Ethics Line, ITP Aero Ethics and Compliance team will make every reasonable effort to hold your name in confidence during the investigation or follow up.

At the conclusion of the call, the intake specialist will summarise the information you have submitted and make any changes necessary to make sure that you are satisfied with the accuracy of your question or concern. ITP Aero has established toll-free numbers in countries where the company operates. Multilingual operators are available so that callers can ask questions or raise concerns in their own language.

The second option is to use the web intake portal system. The intake portal is available anywhere that you have access to the internet. The intake portal asks you for the same types of relevant details about your question or concern as the telephone-based system. Again, if you choose to remain anonymous, EthicsPoint will make no attempt to track your web address or otherwise identify you.

Like the telephone-based system, the web intake portal system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, every day of the year. You may access it from any computer that has an internet connection.

Can I file a report from home and still remain anonymous?

A report from home, a neighbor’s computer, or any Internet portal will remain secure and anonymous. An Internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and the EthicsPoint system strips away Internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained.

Can I get in trouble for using the Ethics Line?

No. The Ethics Line is provided for your use and protection. Retaliation against anyone who raises an ethical concern in good faith is not acceptable and such behaviour will be taken seriously and investigated. Anyone who engages in retaliation will be disciplined.