Protector Line is not for everyday issues relating to pay, holidays, colleague relations or people policies.
Issues that relate solely to minor grievances, an individual or that is a matter of personal interest should be raised with a line manager or People team first.
Visit your local Colleague Help (UK and ROI) or Our Booker for information relating to: People Policies, Wellbeing Careline (Employee Assistance Program) and other Solving Problems policies.
Also see our Code of Business Conduct, Whistleblowing Policy, Protector Line FAQ and Privacy Statement.
Retail Safety:
Security: / /
We encourage colleagues to speak up, without fear of retaliation, if they become aware of any conduct that may be illegal, unethical or in breach of our Code of Business Conduct.
In the first instance, always raise concerns internally, and at local level first. This could be a Line or Area Manager or with a member of the People team.
You can also use the Protector Line, which is hosted by an independent external organisation, which provides a confidential reporting solution to Tesco 24/7, 365 days a year.
Reporting can also be made anonymously.
After completing your report, you will be provided with a report key and asked to create a password. This is needed to help with any additional information or follow ups.
An initial assessment will be made to determine the scope of any further follow-up or investigation needed. Genuine concerns will be assigned to an impartial Tesco colleague for investigation. The outcome of the case will be shared on the Protector Line portal, so please remember to log back in on a regular basis to check on progress.
Protector Line is not an emergency service, if you are worried about any immediate threat, please contact your local emergency services.