About EthicsPoint

What is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is HL’s Speak Up reporting system provided by an independent company called NAVEX, which is not part of HL’s website or intranet. When reports are raised they are saved on an independent server [EthicsPointsecure] to prevent any security breach.

NAVEX also provide the speak up hotline and online form on behalf of HL. They provide you with a safe and secure way to raise your concerns, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Reporting – General

Can I report speak-up / whistleblowing concerns either online or over the phone?

Yes, you can file a confidential, anonymous report either online or over the phone. You can raise a concern from either a personal or HL device.

What can I report?

You can report any speak-up / whistleblowing concerns at HL only. Please refer to the HL Speak-Up /Whistleblowing Policy for more information.

If I notice wrongdoing shouldn't I just report it directly to my line manager or HR and let them deal with it?

The most important thing is to raise your concern regarding the wrongdoing. There are several different options available to you if you need to raise a concern. You can raise it with your line manager, one of the Speak-Up Guardians or by the Speak-Up hotline and online form. You can also contact the Speak Up Team for guidance at: SpeakUpGuidance@hl.co.uk

Why should I report what I know? What’s in it for me?

We all have the right to work in a positive environment and with that right comes the responsibility of acting in an ethical manner and raising concerns know if someone is not acting appropriately. By working together, we can maintain a healthy and productive culture at HL.

Do senior leaders really want me to report concerns?

Yes. You know what is going on at HL. You may have initial knowledge of an activity that could be cause for concern. Your reporting can minimize the potential negative impact on HL, our reputation, our clients and our people.

What happens after I raise a concern?

All new reports are passed to HL’s internal Speak Up investigation team who ensure they’re managed and investigated in accordance with the Speak Up Policy. We will review every concern raised.

When you submit a concern, you will receive a report key and create a password. You can use these details to access your concern using the Follow Up option to review your report, provide further information and receive progress updates.

Where do these reports go? Who can access them?

All reports are saved on an independent server [EthicsPointsecure] to prevent any security breach. These reports are available only to specific, trained colleagues in HL who have permission to evaluate the report.

EthicsPoint is HL’s Speak Up reporting system provided by an independent company called NAVEX, which is not part of HL’s website or intranet.

Reporting Security & Confidentiality

I am concerned that the information I provide through the Speak-Up hotline or online form will reveal my identity. How can you assure me that will not happen?

Concerns raised through the Speak Up hotline or online form have very restricted access and are designed to protect your identity. The Speak Up hotline and online form allow you to raise the concern anonymously. If you wish to remain anonymous, you – as the reporting party – need to ensure that the body of the report does not reveal your identity by accident. For example, “From my cube next to Jan Smith…” or “In my 33 years…”.

Can I file a report from home or from my HL device and still remain anonymous?

A report from home or your HL device will remain secure and anonymous (if you select to remain anonymous). An internet portal never identifies a visitor by screen name and the Speak Up reporting system strips away internet addresses so that anonymity is totally maintained. Plus, EthicsPoint is contractually committed not to pursue a reporter’s identity.

Is the hot line confidential and anonymous too?

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information that you would provide in an online report and an interviewer will type your responses into the report. These reports have the same security and confidentiality measures applied to them.

What if I don’t want to remain anonymous in my report?

There is a section in the report for identifying yourself, if you wish.

Tips & Best Practices

I am not sure if what I have observed is wrongdoing (under the Speak-Up/Whistleblowing Policy). What should I do?

If you have witnessed something that falls within the scope of the Speak Up Policy, then please raise it; you never know how serious a concern might be. Leave the investigating to us, but we need you to be our eyes and ears and raise it as soon as possible, using one of the Speak-Up reporting channels.

If you're unsure or need further guidance or support, consider contacting the Speak Up Mailbox at SpeakUpGuidance@hl.co.uk.

You can also go to the independent charity Protect for advice. The details are as follows:

Web: Protect - Speak up stop harm (protect-advice.org.uk)

Telephone: 020 3117 2520

Email: whistle@protect-advice.org.uk

The important thing is to raise your concern – even if you’re unsure. We have an effective triage process in place to ensure your concern is investigated in the most appropriate manner.

What if my line manager or other managers are involved? Won’t they get the report and start a cover-up?

Access to reports is limited to a select few number of individuals, and the Speak Up reporting system is designed so that implicated parties are not notified or granted access to reports in which they have been named.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report? Or what if the company has further questions for me concerning my report?

When you submit a concern through the Speak-Up hotline or online form, you will receive a report key and create a password. You can use these details to access your concern using the Follow Up option to review your report, provide further information and receive progress updates.

Are these follow-ups on reports as secure as the first one?

All reports and follow up are held in the strict confidence, protecting the anonymity of the originator.