This is not an emergency service

Do not use this site to report events presenting an immediate threat to life or property. Reports submitted through this service may not receive an immediate response. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your public emergency services.


What can I expect if I speak up?

We are committed to creating a culture where everyone feels safe to raise and discuss concerns and to protecting anyone who does so in good faith.

We do not tolerate any form of threat, retaliation or other action against anyone who has raised (or has helped someone to raise) a concern in good faith.

Any report made will be treated as confidential. This includes the reporter’s identity (if shared), the identity of any implicated individuals as well as any other non-public information.

We are committed to protecting the privacy of everyone involved in the speak up process (including anyone involved in an investigation). We will take appropriate measures to safeguard personal data from unauthorised access or use.

What happens after I contact Speak Up?

If you make a formal speak up report about possible misconduct in scope of our Speak Up Policy to your E&C team or the speak up service, you will receive a notification within 7 days to confirm that your report has been received.

Authorised members of the E&C team will review your report and may reach out to you with follow-up questions. They will then determine whether an investigation is required.

If an investigation is required, appropriately qualified investigators free of conflicts of interest will be appointed. Depending on the nature of your concern, this could be an E&C officer, member of the legal or risk & audit team or a member of another internal team, or it could be an external investigator. Under no circumstances, will we appoint anyone implicated in your concern or anyone with a conflict of interest.

Once the investigation is complete, we will get in touch to update you.