Welcome to ASICS' EthicsPoint!

ASICS is a company with strong values of responsibility and integrity. If you observe conduct that seems to violate the law, our Code of Conduct and/or our policies or rules, you are strongly encouraged to make a report.

By doing so, you give our Company the opportunity to deal with your concern. When you honestly and truthfully raise a concern, you help to protect our Company, your workplace and ultimately your colleagues and yourself. Remaining silent about possible misconduct can only worsen a situation and decrease trust.

ASICS truly values the help of employees who identify and Speak Up about potential problems that our Company needs to address.

When you make a report through EthicsPoint, you can choose to remain anonymous. The confidentiality of your report and your identity will be maintained to the extent practicable and permitted by local law. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard. Please feel confident that you will not suffer for raising concerns in good faith about suspected misconduct, as we do not tolerate any form of retaliation.

After all: Reporting is essential for us to sustain our reputation, success and ability to operate – both now and in the future.

For more information click here

If in doubt - Speak Up!

*(where permitted by local law)

EthicsPoint is an independent service provider that gives you the opportunity to raise concerns on misconduct confidentially, in your own language and even, if desired, anonymously. EthicsPoint is an independent third party and available 24/7, 365 days a year.