Registre um relato online

Reporte quaisquer comportamentos que você julgue inconsistentes com nossos Valores Compartilhados ou Princípios Globais de Conduta Corporativa.

Para os atuais sócios e funcionários da Deloitte, selecione as informações de localização do seu escritório.

Para indivíduos que não sejam funcionários da Deloitte, selecione as informações de localização do escritório relacionado a sua alegação

Please select Deloitte Global/DTTL if you work with or are employed by Deloitte Global.

O que devo fazer se minha localização não estiver listada?

Se sua localização não estiver listada, selecione "Outro/Não listado" na lista suspensa.

What to do if matters cannot be reported locally

We encourage you to speak to your Partner, Talent team or Ethics Officer or make a report through SpeakUp in your local geography first. The Location /city where the matter occurred will determine where the preliminary review of your disclosure will occur. You should only select Asia Pacific Conduct Office (from the location dropdown on the left) if you have genuine concerns about reporting this matter locally (for example if the matter involves Senior Leadership).

How can I access my personal data?

Requests to access or correct your personal data will be handled in accordance with applicable laws. Please contact your local firm ethics or privacy team or use the "Ask a Question" feature in this Deloitte Speak Up platform for more information. For Deloitte Speak Up Privacy Statement, please refer to Privacy (

What is required for the EU Whistleblowing Directive?

Deloitte’s values and DNA encourages all relations to report misconduct to the Belgium central Ethics team. Our existing reporting process is aligned with the new EU Whistleblowing Directive. The European Union has obliged all companies of a certain size to provide Whistleblowing channels in order to report specific Breaches of EU law. For more information, please consult our Whistleblowing policy via the Ethics intranet page or upon request (

EU Whistleblowing breaches include:

  • public procurement;
  • financial services, products and markets, and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing;
  • product safety and compliance;
  • transport safety;
  • protection of the environment;
  • radiation protection and nuclear safety;
  • food and feed safety, animal health and welfare;
  • public health;
  • consumer protection;
  • protection of privacy and personal data, and security of network and information systems;
  • tax fraud prevention;
  • social fraud prevention.

Other reports:
Please note that all other reports e.g. about discrimination, (sexual) harrassment, respect & fair treatment, professional practice, etc. do not fall under the EU Whistleblowing Directive.