The Adecco Group promotes a company culture that encourages socially responsible conduct, acting with integrity, and compliance with the law.
We welcome the opportunity to respond to your questions, concerns and requests for assistance.
There are multiple channels for making an inquiry or a report of an actual or possible violation of the Adecco Group’s Code of Conduct, internal policy, or the law. Please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” section of the Main Page.
If you wish to make a report by phone or online using the ACE line, go to the “Make a Report” tab.
You may also write to the following address:
EthicsPoint, Inc.
Adecco Group
PO Box 230369
Portland, OR 97281-0369
United States of America
Calls and written correspondence made via the ACE Line or address provided above will be received 24 hours a day, seven days a week by a third-party service provider with whom Adecco Group has contracted to receive such messages on Adecco Group's behalf.
When the third party-service provider receives a report, it will forward the messages to the Group Compliance Reporting Office at the Adecco Group. The Group Compliance Reporting Office is an internal department that is responsible for administering the ACE Line within the Adecco Group, responding to the reporter, reviewing incoming reports for appropriate handling, and tracking the status of the reports. The Group Compliance Reporting Office operates independently from management and reports directly to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of Adecco Group AG.