Commonly Asked Questions
- Why has Barclays contracted with EthicsPoint for reporting of concerns?
- What if I need to report from a privacy restricted country?
- What is EthicsPoint's role?
- What if this is an emergency?
- How does EthicsPoint maintain confidentiality?
- How can I maintain communication regarding my concern?
- What should I do if I lose my Report Key or password?
- Where do these reports go? Who can access them?
- What if I face retaliation?
Why has Barclays contracted with EthicsPoint for reporting of concerns?
EthicsPoint is an independent company that provides secure web-based systems for use by those who wish to report a concern regarding inappropriate conduct. The service is provided 24 hours a day. Barclays is one of many companies that contracts with EthicsPoint, a professional third-party, for this service in addition to their internal channels for raising concerns.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageWhat if I need to report from a privacy restricted country?
Barclays has partnered with EthicsPoint to accept reports from EU and other privacy restricted countries. However, local country law may have specific restrictions or requirements related to reporting. Please make certain that you understand your local country law and report accordingly. You can find all the relevant details on the in-country requirements page, via the Raising Concerns intranet site.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageWhat is EthicsPoint's role?
- Provide a confidential web-based system for reporters to raise concerns about inappropriate conduct to Barclays
- Protect the identity of reporters who wish to remain anonymous and are able to do so without contravening local law
- Transmit information about the concern to Barclays Raising Concerns Team so that Barclays can conduct an appropriate assessment and referral for investigation as required.
- Allow Barclays to communicate with an anonymous reporter by serving as an intermediary that can relay information between the reporter and Barclays. It is not EthicsPoint's role to take action to address the concern, only to transmit the concern to Barclays' Raising Concerns Team.
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What if this is an emergency?
Concerns about an immediate threat of physical harm or damage to property should not be reported to EthicsPoint. If you require emergency assistance, please contact your local authorities or emergency services.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageHow does EthicsPoint maintain confidentiality?
EthicsPoint does not generate or maintain internal connection logs containing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, so no information linking your computer to EthicsPoint would be available. Reports from your computer would come through a secure Internet portal which does not trace or show user screen names.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageHow can I maintain communication regarding my concern?
At the end of your web-based report, EthicsPoint will provide you with a report key and ask you to create a password. You will be asked to visit the EthicsPoint website shortly after you make your initial report. At that time and thereafter, you can learn whether any additional information is needed from you to address your concern, if you have raised an issue anonymously.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageWhat should I do if I lose my Report Key or password?
Because of the high level of confidentiality that is maintained for reports, if you lose your report key or password, you will be required to file a new report. You can mention in the new report that this matter relates to another report you supplied earlier. Upon receipt of your concern, the Raising Concerns Team will provide you with a 6-digit reference number, preceded by the characters ‘RC’. You should look to retain this for your records and this will also assist the Raising Concerns Team in linking any subsequent report you create, to your original report.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageWhere do these reports go? Who can access them?
Reports are entered directly on the EthicsPoint secure server to prevent any possible breach in security. EthicsPoint makes these reports available to a very small number of specific individuals within the Barclays Raising Concerns Team. Where the concern is assessed as a whistleblowing concern, the details will be shared with the Investigations & Whistleblowing Team for an appropriate investigation to be carried out. All reports are dealt with in the strictest of confidence.
Please note that for concerns which are not treated as whistleblowing concerns, and therefore referred to teams outside of the Investigations and whistleblowing Team, the Raising Concerns Team will share your contact details (and name if you have provided it) unless you have expressly asked us not to do so. Again, all concerns are handled in confidence.
Return to Top - Back to Main PageWhat if I face retaliation?
No one should experience any form of retaliation of any kind as a consequence of reporting an issue or for speaking up. If you have raised a concern, either to the Raising Concerns Team or elsewhere, and believe you have been subject to detriment as a result, you should report this to the Raising Concerns Team.
If you have raised a concern and feel you have experienced detriment as a result of doing so, you should let the Raising Concerns Team know at the earliest opportunity.
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