Home Code of Conduct Speak Up Policy Follow-up on a Report FAQs

Our Commitment

Kerry Group is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Code of Conduct contains general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics, in line with our company values.

Kerry Group is committed to an environment where open and honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your line manager, or a senior manager, or a Human Resources Partner, or a member of the Ethics and Compliance Team in instances where you believe potential violations of our Code of Conduct, policies, regulations, industry standards or applicable laws have occurred.

If you become aware or suspect that something is potentially illegal, unethical, unsafe or contrary to our Code of Conduct, policies, regulations, industry standards or applicable laws, we encourage you to promptly report the matter so that a timely investigation and appropriate action can be taken.

There are a number of ways to report your concerns:

  1. We would like you to speak first to someone in Kerry. If you are an employee, then this could be your line manager, or a senior manager, or a Human Resources Partner, or a member of the Ethics and Compliance Team (speakup@kerry.com).
  2. If you are an external stakeholder, then you could contact the Ethics and Compliance Team (speakup@kerry.com).
  3. In situations where you find speaking to another Kerry employee too difficult or impractical, we would encourage you to use our Speak Up service. The Speak Up service is a confidential reporting tool available to all employees and external stakeholders hosted by an external and independent company called, NAVEX. When using the Speak Up service you have the option of submitting your report online using the Speak Up Website or by telephone using the freephone Speak Up Call Centre. You also have the option of providing your name and personal contact information with your report or you can choose to remain anonymous. However, giving your name is likely to help our Ethics and Compliance Team investigate the issue you have raised, because it enables us to contact you if we have any questions or if we require further information.

The reported concerns and information you provide to the Speak Up service will be sent to the Ethics and Compliance Team by NAVEX on a confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard. The Ethics and Compliance Team are responsible for investigating the reported concerns. If you report a concern anonymously, your report will be logged with a unique report key and password that you can use to check on its status later without providing personal contact information.

Whether you remain anonymous or give your name and contact details, the Ethics and Compliance Team will reply to you within two (2) months with feedback on the progress of the investigation.

Please see the Speak Up FAQs and the Speak Up Policy for more information.