Metso uses the EthicsPoint service in order to provide you with the possibility to report, free of charge and confidentially, suspected violation of Metso Code of conduct, which causes direct or indirect financial or other kind of damage to Metso or Metso’s employees. EthicsPoint is an independent service provider.
Reports can be submitted through this site in any of the 13 available languages. You may file your report on this web site,, or by dialing the appropriate toll-free number.
All reports made via the EthicsPoint website is received by Compliance & Risk and is not visible to others. Line Managers do not have access to the cases reported via EthicsPoint. In principle non-financial related misconduct reports, such as human resources, quality, and health and safety matters, typically are evaluated by or in conjunction with the subject experts/specialists. Objectivity, impartiality, and confidentiality is always considered when assigning reports.
Though you may file a report anonymously, we encourage you to provide your name and contact information. In any case, all reports submitted to EthicsPoint will remain fully confidential unless you indicate otherwise.