Six things you need to know about Ethics Line
What is Ethics Line?
Ethics Line enables Inditex employees and others to raise concerns or dilemmas, or to seek advice on a matter related to compliance with the law and our Code of Conduct, in full confidence and without fear of retaliation. Ethics Line is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. This facility is not for customer service complaints or enquiries.
Who administers Ethics Line?
Ethics Line is administered by an independent company (NAVEX), is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can contact Ethics Line anonymously if you wish so.
How to use Ethics Line?
You can submit a report to Ethics Line through web-submission or, in certain markets, through telephone. Please click above links to report a concern online or via telephone. Alternatively, you may consult your manager or the Human Resources Department to share a concern.
What happens after I contact Ethics Line?
Your report will be passed on to dedicated Ethics Line Office staff appointed by the Ethics Committee to manage reports, who will review your submission and will determine further action, including, if applicable, referral for investigation by a professional internal investigator. Investigations are fact based, conducted in the strictest confidence and in accordance with the Global Policy on the Internal Reporting Channels of the Inditex Group as well as the applicable Ethics Line Procedure.
Commitment to non-retaliation
We do not tolerate retaliation in any form. Inditex takes a strong stance against retaliation and any form of retaliation reported will be investigated and remediated. Retaliation is interpreted as a strong violation of the Code of Conduct.
Commitment to anonymity and confidentiality
When reporting a concern to Ethics Line, you will be asked if you wish to share your identity. Although we encourage you to “Speak Up” freely and share your identity, anonymous reports will be accepted. All good faith concerns you report will be kept confidential, consistent with law and good business practices.