Repsol Foundation is firmly committed to our culture of compliance and ethical integrity. We understand this to mean that individuals who report irregular or illicit conduct play an essential role in uncovering and preventing such infractions, protecting the correct and proper workings of Repsol Foundation, and generally contribute to the well-being of society as a whole. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that reporters receive active and all-encompassing protection, without neglecting the rights of those affected by their reports or the investigations launched as a result.

Repsol's Foundation Compliance Channel and internal information system exist to ensure these needs are met in accordance with the law and in line with the following principles:

Repsol's Foundation Compliance Channel is a place to ask questions and raise concerns about irregularities, illicit conduct, or possible breaches of Repsol's Foundation Code of Ethics and Conduct under full confidentiality and without fear of retaliation. Messages can be sent through the channel at any time, 24 hours a day.

Read Repsol Foundation’s Code

If you prefer, you may submit your communications by postal mail to the following address:
C. de Méndez Álvaro, 44, 28045 Madrid, to the attention of Repsol Foundation Compliance Officer