Frequently Asked Questions

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About EthicsPoint

What is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is a global and confidential reporting tool created by NAVEX to help management and other stakeholders work together to address unethical or illegal behavior

Why do we need a System like EthicsPoint?

    EthicsPoint provides employees, customers and others outside Westlake Germany and Westlake Vinnolit the opportunity to report, confidentially and either anonymously or on an open basis, any activity that may involve unethical or illegal behavior that violates professional standards or is otherwise inconsistent with our global Westlake Code of Conduct.

    An effective reporting system underpins our continued efforts to foster a culture characterized by integrity and an ethical decision-making process.

Reporting (General Information)

Is it the same whether I submit the reports via the Internet or by telephone?

Yes, EthicsPoint allows you to submit a confidential and anonymous report either over the phone or the Internet.

What types of situations should I report?

The EthicsPoint system is designed to report any violation of applicable laws and/or our Code of Conduct or to raise other concerns.

If I discover an infringement, how should I proceed?

If you become aware of situations or circumstances that violate applicable law or our Code of Conduct, we expect you to report them.

In these situations, you should first go directly to the contact person you know in our company or, in the case of employees, to their supervisor. If the issue cannot be resolved this way, please contact EthicsPoint to report your concerns.

Why should I report incidents?

For Westlake Germany and Westlake Vinnolit, compliance with applicable laws and the principles of our global Westlake Code of Conduct is the basis for all actions. Unethical or illegal behavior is incompatible with these principles. Reporting grievances or incidents within the company or in the supply chain enables us to review and, if necessary, take remedial actions.

In addition, high fines due to violations of applicable laws can threaten the existence of our company.

How can I submit a report?

Reports can be submitted either online or via the telephone hotline. Before you submit your report, you will be asked to choose a password. After submitting your report, you will receive a report key (process number). We will send you a confirmation of receipt of your report within seven days.

Please note that a full investigation of the matter may take some time. We may need additional information for our investigation or we may be able to provide you with an update. Please log in to the website regularly with your report key and password to check if there are any queries or updates on the matter.

Security and Confidentiality in Reporting

Can I submit my report anonymously? Can I submit a report from a computer at work or at home without being identified?

Yes, if you ask to remain anonymous when reporting your concern or inquiry, we will respect your request. NAVEX does not create or maintain internal connection logs with IP addresses, so no information linking your computer to the hotline is available. However, if you wish to remain anonymous, you must ensure that the content of your message does not unintentionally reveal your identity.

The Hotline also facilitates an exchange with the EthicsPoint Task Force when additional information is needed and allows you to be notified upon completion of an investigation. Therefore, it is important that you regularly follow up on your report with your report key (incident number) and password.

In certain cases, however, we may be required to share the information with third parties within or outside Westlake Germany or Westlake Vinnolit, for example in the event of a legal obligation to report money laundering. Please note that anonymity cannot be guaranteed in certain locations due to local laws and regulations.

Is the toll-free telephone hotline also confidential and anonymous?

Yes. You will be asked to provide the same information you would provide in a report submitted over the Internet, and a call center representative will enter your responses on the EthicsPoint website. The same security and confidentiality measures apply to these reports.

What happens if I want to submit my report with my name?

There is an area in the report where you can enter your name if you wish.

Tips and Best Practices

I know that some people behave unethically, but I am not personally affected. Why should I report this?

Our company strives to promote ethical behavior. Any unethical behavior at any level ultimately harms the company, its employees and its stakeholders. Just consider what has happened in recent corporate scandals to see the devastating impact that a seemingly innocuous ethical lapse can have on an otherwise healthy company. So if you become aware of any instances of misconduct or ethical breaches, consider it your duty to report them.

I'm not sure if what I've observed or heard is a violation of applicable law or involves unethical behavior, but it doesn't seem right to me. What should I do?

Submit a report. EthicsPoint will help you prepare and submit your report so that it is properly understood. We would rather you report a situation that later turns out to be harmless than not report possible unethical behavior because you weren't sure.

What happens if my supervisor(s) or another manager is involved in a violation? Will that person try to cover up the incident if this person would receive my report?

The EthicsPoint system and distribution of reports is designed so that affected parties are not informed; they are not granted access to reports in which they have been named.

What happens if I remember important details about the incident after I have already submitted the report? And what happens if the company has further questions for me about my report?

When you submit a report through the EthicsPoint website or through the EthicsPoint Call Center, you will be given a unique report key (incident number) and asked to choose a password.

You can access the EthicsPoint system and the original report either via the EthicsPoint webpage or by phone to, for example, add more details, answer a company representative's questions, or add additional information to help clarify outstanding issues.

We strongly recommend that you visit the website regularly to answer any questions the company may have. You and the company have now entered into an "anonymous dialog" where situations can not only be identified, but also resolved, no matter how complex they present themselves.

Are these subsequent accesses to the reports as secure as the initial access?

All correspondence with EthicsPoint will be as confidential as the original report, and anonymity will be maintained during the whole procedure.

Can I submit a report if I do not have access to the Internet?

You can submit a report to EthicsPoint from any computer that has Internet access. You can also submit the report from home. Many public places, including public libraries, provide computers with Internet access.

If you do not have access to a PC or are unfamiliar with computers, you can call the EthicsPoint toll-free hotline 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.