Report your concern
About Kmart Group SpeakUp Channel
What is SpeakUp?
Speak up is a dedicated and confidential channel you can use to raise concerns about things relating to Kmart Group that aren’t or don’t seem right or possible breach of the Code of Conduct, policies or the law. You don’t have to be a Kmart Group employee to report an issue which relates to the Group.
Who operates SpeakUp?
SpeakUp is administered by an independent service provider (NAVEX). The service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in all local languages where Kmart Group has operations. Please note that for less widely spoken languages, there may be a delay whilst you wait for an interpreter, or they may have to call you back.
Who else I can speak to?
Kmart Group encourages speaking up about any potential breach of our Code of Conduct, Ethical Sourcing code, policies, standards or law, using the channel you are most comfortable with. This could be your line manager, your manager’s superior, a member of the Group Risk and Compliance team, or someone in the People & Capability team
Do I have to disclose my details when I SpeakUp?
We hope that you feel able to tell us who you are. However, if not, in countries where it is legally permitted, you may remain anonymous. However, it is generally difficult to investigate a report and act on the information you provide where your identity remains unknown. Therefore, providing your contact information can help us an investigation.
Will my report remain confidential?
Any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible in consistent with the law. Kmart uses NAVEX’s ethics point case management system to support the administration of SpeakUp. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX’s secure servers and is not part of Kmart Group’s website or intranet. NAVEX doesn’t trace phone calls or use functionality such as caller identification, not do they log your IP address if you report online.
What happens after I make a report?
Once you submit your concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and password which can be used to follow up on your submission. You can use this to track the progress of your report, add further information, and answer any questions the investigator may have. If you lose your unique reference number or password, you will have to file a new report, and state it is related to your previous report.