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Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to some of the most common questions about this service by reading the FAQs below.

Who are NAVEX?

NAVEX is an independent, confidential compliance programme service and technology provider. NAVEX works with more than 13,000 customers around the globe, helping their people speak up with confidence.

What is EthicsPoint?

EthicsPoint is a reporting tool created by NAVEX which assists companies in ensuring their people have a secure, confidential and user-friendly mechanism for reporting their concerns.

Do I have to disclose my name?

Concerns can be raised anonymously, where permitted under local law. For information regarding the processing of your personal data, please review the Terms and Conditions located in your country's HSBC Confidential notification on the HSBC Speak Up intranet site.

How do I know details of my concern will not be shared?

All cases are logged and treated confidentially as far as possible. All identifying details are only accessible by the appropriate HSBC Whistleblowing Oversight team and the Investigation Function handling your concern. However, there may be occasions where your identity may need to be disclosed, for example if there is legal or regulatory requirement to do so.

Any identifying details are securely maintained with access controls in place to confirm only authorised staff have access.

What if I remember something important about the incident after I file the report?

You can submit further information to your case by using the Follow Up link on the Home page.

Once I raise my report will anyone contact me, how will they do this?

Communication will be generated through the EthicsPoint reporting tool. You will receive an acknowledgment once investigation commences and you may receive request for further information. If you chose to remain anonymous, the EthicsPoint system will allow you to communicate and receive information requests whilst still maintaining your anonymity.

Is the telephone toll-free hot line confidential and anonymous too?

The telephone line is local to your country and is toll free. All discussions and information disclosed during the call with the Contact Centre will be treated confidentially. Only information regarding your concern will be captured, where you have elected to remain anonymous for the report, your details will not be disclosed by the contact centre agent.
Important Notice: This webpage is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and is not part of the HSBC website or intranet.