Epson Singapore Pte Ltd and its sales companies (together known as ‘Epson South East Asia’) is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. We want to empower people to raise concerns about actions and behaviours in the workplace that go against our values, break the law, or breach regulations or policies.

If you are unsure if your concern is valid, you may access the Resources page to refer to our Epson Global Code of Conduct and Epson Business Partner Code of Conduct. These documents contain general guidelines for Epson and its business partners to conduct business with the highest standards of ethics.

We respect confidentiality. We want you to feel comfortable calling or writing to us anonymously using Epson Speak UP! This site is available 24/7/365 in your local language and hosted by an independent company (NAVEX). Thus, Speak UP! You have our guarantee that your concerns will be heard.

For product and services related complaints/feedback and business partnership or sponsorship requests please refer to Contact US.

What Happens Next?

We take every concern seriously and investigate alleged violations as appropriate. The success of our investigation depends on the sufficiency and quality of information provided by you. Never raise false or misleading information. We will maintain your confidentiality to the fullest extent possible.


Epson does not tolerate acts of retaliation. Epson employees who raise a genuine concern in good faith or participates in an investigation will not experience any negative consequences for doing the right thing.