This webpage is hosted on EthicsPoint's secure servers and is not part of the Gavi website or intranet.
Follow-up on a Report Policies Gavi Alliance Audit and Investigations: Terms of Reference Whistleblowing Policy (for employees of Gavi only) Transparency and Accountability Policy Conflict of Interest Policy Ethics Policy Procurement Policy Statement on Environmental Sustainability Gender Policy Child Protection Value Statement

To Make a Report

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

If you wish, you could also make a report to us by sending an email to our secure email address, or sending a letter, details as below:



Managing Director,
Audit and Investigations,
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Chemin du Pommier 40,
1218 Le Grand Saconnex,

If you are reporting a matter that involves wrongdoing by Gavi’s Whistleblower Compliance Officer (the Managing Director of Audit and Investigations), please email a description of your concerns to where the matter will be reviewed by an independent person.

Reporting concerns of wrongdoing to Gavi and IFFIm

Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance, helps vaccinate more than half the world’s children against deadly and debilitating infectious diseases by providing vaccines to governments as well as financial assistance to support the delivery of those vaccines (see

Operating according to the highest ethical standards is a prerequisite for all that Gavi undertakes; we seek to prevent and detect misconduct, to identify and mitigate risks; to protect the resources entrusted to us; and to comply with the laws, policies, regulations, and agreements that govern our work.

It is vital that our mission is not compromised by wrongdoing.

Any misuse of Gavi-supplied resources, whether that is vaccines, cash grants, or other assets purchased using Gavi funds, takes away vaccination resources that improve the health of the children, people and communities that Gavi supports.

In addition, Gavi does not tolerate Sexual Exploitation, Abuse or Harassment in its programmes or activities. Sexual Exploitation and Abuse are grave breaches of trust, and a betrayal of Gavi’s mandate for saving lives in often vulnerable contexts. Sexual Harassment and other forms of Harassment are a manifestation of a culture of discrimination and privilege based on unequal gender relations. Both undermine the fundamental rights of all those whom Gavi serves and everyone who works for Gavi to be treated with dignity and respect.

Gavi will always respond to the misuse of funds and resources as well as sexual exploitation, abuse and (sexual) harassment.

The term “Gavi-supplied resources”, includes funds raised through the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm), which exists to accelerate the availability and predictability of funds for Gavi. It also includes any funds administered by the COVAX facility which Gavi co-led to deliver COVID-19 vaccines and support between 2020 and 2023.

What you should do.

If you become aware of suspect or receive information regarding possible wrongdoing in relation to Gavi programmes, vaccines or financial support, please tell us. Your concerns are important, no matter which country it may relate to and whether it involves a Gavi supplier, agent, partner, or staff member.

Here is an illustrative list of examples of areas, within which such concerns may arise:

  • Fraud, theft or misuse of assets (whether cash, vaccines or other items);
  • Conflict of Interests
  • Corruption
  • Sexual Exploitation, Abuse or Sexual Harassment, whether in a Gavi-funded programme or in the Gavi Secretariat
  • Leaking or misuse of confidential information
  • Retaliation for providing information to Gavi or this hotline
  • Human Rights violations

You can report through the web, by email, or by post. You can also leave a voice message around the clock on +41 (0)22 567 3515.

Our reporting system is open to anyone - whether you are a Gavi staff member, or work with a Gavi partner or supplier. You can also report concerns as someone being given a vaccine or if you notice something as an observer or member of the public.

What information you should report.

Please make your report as specific as possible. This helps us to make sure your concerns are followed through appropriately. The basic information that we need is: Who, When, Where, What and How. Specific information which is helpful to us includes:

  • The nature of the concern you have.
  • The location and date when it took place.
  • A description of what happened.
  • The names and job titles of those who were involved, and the organisation(s) they work for.
  • The names of anyone else who knows about or shares your concerns.
  • Any other information you think is relevant for us to know. If you are not sure whether to tell us something, it usually helps us if you can give as much information as possible.

Please note that this reporting facility is not for making complaints about vaccination services; these should be directed to your relevant health authorities. Nor is it an emergency response service and concerns of a medical nature should be reported to a doctor, nurse or other medical professional.

What happens after you make a report.

  • Your report will be received by Gavi's Audit and Investigations function at Gavi, which is an independent function empowered to review concerns about wrongdoing.
  • Gavi will assess your report to determine what action may be needed. We will try to do this quickly but sometimes it may take some time depending on the circumstances and action required.
  • It may be helpful for us to contact you to gather additional information. We appreciate your further support in helping us with any requests we might make and will keep our communications with you confidential.
  • In the event of any proven cases of wrongdoing, Gavi will ensure appropriate actions are taken. This may include the recovery of misused funds or resources and/or working with national authorities to hold responsible parties to account.

Protection for you.

Your information will be managed in a way that maintains confidentiality. This means that if you choose to identify yourself, we will not reveal your identity as the person providing information to any parties identified in your report, unless you give us permission. It may be helpful if we are able to contact you to obtain additional information, and therefore we encourage you to provide contact details in your report.

If you prefer not to reveal your identity, you may report your concerns anonymously – which means that you can make the report without indicating your name. If you make an anonymous complaint, please consider providing a way to communicate with you, as described, or we would be unable to contact you for any additional information we may need to follow up on the matter.

In addition, Gavi staff who reports a concern in good faith shall be protected against any acts of retaliation.

Next steps

Please click the button to the right to report a concern to us.

ATTENTION! This webpage is hosted on NAVEX’s secure servers and is not part of Gavi website or intranet.

Further information

The Gavi Whistleblowing Policy describes the reporting procedures in further detail.

Gavi's Transparency and Accountability Policy sets out our expectations regarding the proper use of resources.

Our policies and commitments on Ethics, Risk and Compliance, Safeguarding, Child Protection, Procurement, and Respectful Behaviour may provide useful background regarding our expectations of appropriate behaviour.

Further information on the independence of the Audit and Investigations function can be found in the Audit and Investigations Terms of Reference.