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Our Commitment
The bioMérieux Ethics & Compliance Department values your input. bioMérieux has partnered with EthicsPoint to provide you a confidential method to voice your suggestions, concerns or report of misconduct.
Except where prohibited by local laws or regulations, all information that you provide to EthicsPoint will be maintained on a confidential basis.
Since its beginning, bioMérieux has been shaped by 5 Pillars that have guided the Mérieux family for several generations.
Public Health – Since its creation, Institut Mérieux works in the interest of public health. Our companies focus on improving health worldwide, taking a holistic approach to contribute to better patient care and the prevention of disease and health hazards. In the field of diagnostics, bioMérieux develops solutions that bring high medical value for clinical applications. Through our industrial applications, we contribute to preventing product contamination risks.
Social Commitment – A global healthcare player, Institut Mérieux places the individual at the center of its social commitment. Our expertise in infectious diseases and our international presence give bioMérieux an obligation beyond our business activities, as a corporate citizen, to serve the greater good and the communities where we operate. We leverage our areas of excellence to make a difference. Economic success can only follow social commitment.
Our Visions Beyond Borders – Viruses and bacteria know no borders and public health issues must be addressed on a global scale. Our world is shrinking and Institut Mérieux’s companies make international development a central part of their strategies.
Our Roots – The Mérieux family’s legacy is a commitment to biology that dates back to 1897, with the creation of Institut Mérieux by Marcel Mérieux, a student of Louis Pasteur and Emile Roux. This was the beginning of an extraordinary bio-industrial adventure in the field of vaccines and, with bioMérieux, in in vitro diagnostics. Through the generations, the Mérieux’s vision for biology and for the management of men and of companies has remained the same. Now a global leader, bioMérieux remains faithful to its origins: Louis Pasteur and France.
Our Pioneering Spirit: Being at the forefront of the fight against disease is common to all the Mérieux companies, in every field. This is achieved, among others, through scientific and technological innovation, and spearheading expansion into emerging countries. This pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit propelled Institut Mérieux to become a world leader in the field of human and veterinary vaccines. It drives the creation of many entities since our beginnings, all dedicated to health. This spirit also drives bioMérieux’s development: our company imagines innovative solutions for our customers.
We expect all of our employees to demonstrate personal integrity in the workplace and when doing business on bioMérieux’s behalf. In part, this means that each of us must obey the law and also assist the company in obeying the law and maintaining ethical business practices.