Our Commitment
GM³ is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor or management in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards have occurred.
In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, the information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
Our Code and Speak Up Policy
GM³’s Code of Business Conduct and Speak Up Policy can be found under the ‘Resources’ link above.
They outline how you can report a Business Conduct Concern, what happens when you do and how we will protect you for having the courage to do so.
Who Administers EthicsPoint?
EthicsPoint is administered by an external and independent company (NAVEX), and is available 24 hours per day, every day of the year.
All reports received via EthicsPoint are confidentially provided back to GM³ to manage in accordance with our Speak Up Policy.
Can I report anonymously?
Yes, online or phone reports through EthicsPoint are confidential. However, it can be difficult to investigate anonymous reports.
Providing your name and contact details will often assist in our assessing your concern. We hope you will feel comfortable to do this.
How to Speak Up
Reporting options are outlined in our Speak Up Policy.
GM³ encourages you to Speak Up via the option you are most comfortable with, such as your line leader, another leader, a Function representative or this EthicsPoint Reporting Hotline.
Anyone can report a Business Conduct Concern under our Speak Up Policy.
What happens after I contact EthicsPoint?
After reporting via EthicsPoint, you will receive a unique code called a Report Key that will be your specific reference. You will need this and a password you set to check back in and receive status updates about your submission.
Your Report Key is important particularly if you choose to remain anonymous as we can only contact you through this EthicsPoint Reporting Hotline.
How we protect and support you?
We treat every report seriously, confidentially and fairly.
GM³ will not retaliate against you for raising your concern. We do not tolerate retaliation in any form.
See the Speak Up Policy to learn more.