Submit a Report


By Phone

Once your concern has been reported, you will receive your Report Key which is a unique code. Please keep this code safe! It will be requested each time you access the EthicsPoint system. After 5-6 business days, you can review the status of your case. You may also be required to provide additional information at any time, so make sure to check your case periodically.

How do I report a compliance concern?

You can contact the Syensqo Ethics Helpline, which is available 24/7 and 365 days a year. The reporting process is straightforward:

  1. You can report your concern:
    • online by clicking on Submit a report
    • by phone by calling the toll-free phone number. Select your country above to receive the International Toll Free Service number (ITSV) of your location.
    • via mobile phone by scanning the QR code below or clicking this link:
  2. You can choose to include your name or to remain anonymous when reporting your concern through any of the above channels.

What happens to my report once submitted?

Every report received is deliberated carefully. If your report is deemed credible with sufficient evidence provided, a case will be opened and assigned to the Compliance Department. If more evidence is required, the Compliance Department will contact you directly. If you choose to remain anonymous, a request for clarification will be left for you in the EthicsPoint system.

Is there a Non-Retaliation Commitment?

Syensqo forbids any form of retaliation against an employee who has raised a concern in good faith. Anyone who attempts counteraction against an employee who has reported compliance concerns could face disciplinary action, including possible dismissal. Equally, Syensqo will protect the rights of the person(s) implicated in the report.

What should I include in my report?

To allow Syensqo to conduct actionable and effective investigations, it is important that you provide a detailed description of the incident, and evidence if possible. Please include the following:

  • What (description of the incident)
  • Who (full name of the person(s) involved, including witnesses)
  • When (date and time of the incident)
  • Where (place of the incident)
  • Why (cause or reason of the incident)
  • How often the incident has occurred (one-off or multiple instances)
  • Evidence and where it can be found (e.g. copies of documents, screenshots)

Please note that general assertions cannot be investigated.

What about confidentiality?

Every investigation is conducted with absolute consistency and confidentiality – only involve those who need to be involved. Compliance Officers may conduct confidential interviews with employees, contractors, or anybody they believe is essential to the investigation. These interviews cannot be considered as a breach of confidentiality.

When will I receive a reply?

Once the findings of the investigation have been reviewed, it will be decided whether a breach of compliance has taken place and whether further action is required. You will be informed about the status of your report via the EthicsPoint system, so it is advised to check your case periodically. Due to legal restrictions, you will not be informed about possible resulting actions.

Our Commitment

At Syensqo, we are proud of our employeesʼ strong commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards when conducting business. We want integrity in our business dealings, and compliance with the law and our company values, because it is the right thing to do.

Syensqo is committed to cultivating an environment in which employees can communicate openly and honestly. Employees should feel comfortable and be free to raise ethical and compliance concerns and ask for guidance when they need it. Our managers and supervisors are the best – and first - point of contact to raise concerns. Other internal resources are also available.

In some instances, however, you might prefer not to discuss matters internally or to remain anonymous. Thatʼs why Syensqo has introduced the Syensqo Ethics Helpline. This helpline is hosted by the third part hotline provider, EthicsPoint, who will handle your concerns in a professional and confidential manner.