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How To Submit A Whistleblowing Report

It is recommendable to use the ‘Tee ilmoitus’ (Submit a whistleblowing report) function at the top of the page. Leave your whistleblowing report in a secure, quick and guided manner using the online form. After submitting a report, you are provided with a unique code (report key). It is absolutely necessary that you write down this code and the password we give you before closing the application. Keep the identifiers we give you in a safe place. We will respond to your report within a few days, and you can check any possible further questions and/or feedback concerning your report by entering your code and password.

Additionally, you can also submit a report by telephone:

  • OR

Our Mission and Responsibilities

As a financial sector enterprise, LocalTapiola Group represents a tightly and broadly regulated sector. We consider it important that the policies we choose comply with the company’s correct and best approaches and those followed in the sector. We want to act responsibly and honestly. LocalTapiola intends to maintain an open and honest communication culture while striving to encourage stakeholders to report identified abuse cases through our whistleblowing channel.

An EU directive compliant whistleblower protection act will enter into force in Finland, and the purpose of this act is to afford protection to whisleblowers who in the course of their work detect infringements. Infringement here means any act punishable by imprisonment, a fine or an administrative sanction of a punitive nature. The Directive requires that financial industry actors introduce an internal whistleblowing channel.

LocalTapiola Group has in use an EthicsPoint reporting channel maintained by NAVEX for reporting suspicions of abuse also without disclosing your identity. However, identifying yourself is recommended to ensure whistleblower protection. We promise to examine your report and respond to it within a reasonable period of time. Please note that this channel is only for reporting suspicions of abuse, and it should not be used for purposes such as sending complaints about claim settlement decisions or for submitting informal customer feedback, as there are dedicated channels for these. All whistleblowing reports must be filed in good faith.

The responsibility for examining all reported cases lies with LocalTapiola’s Internal Audit function.

For more information, see the EthicsPoint FAQs section.