Our Commitment to You

At IHH Healthcare, we are committed to an open environment through transparent communication. Under circumstances where you may have observed a reportable matter and would like to anonymously and with confidentiality highlight or seek clarity – you are encouraged to use the hotline or web platform, hosted by EthicsPoint.

“Reportable Matter” shall mean a genuine concern, whether actual or suspected, relating to:

  • Financial irregularities such as tampering with company records, misuse or misappropriation of company’s property, funds or assets, or any issues related to accounting, internal controls, or auditing;
  • Conflict of interest, when someone pursues personal gain without proper disclosure or prior approval, potentially violating the company's interests;
  • Fraudulent activities such as theft and embezzlement, unauthorized sharing of company assets or confidential information and manipulation of company records;
  • Corruption, bribery and money laundering, including breaches of the Anti-Bribery and Corruption policy or related regulations

The Ethicspoint categories which you can report the reportable matter are as follows:

  • Accounting and Financial Statement Matters
  • Bribery and Corruption
  • Disclosure of Confidential Information
  • Theft and Embezzlement
  • Other

The Whistle Blower is advised to assess and ensure, before reporting, that the instance being reported falls within the ambit of “Reportable Matter” as defined hereinabove.

However, reports concerning personal grievances, human resources issues / grievances, sexual harassment should not be filed on this platform. You are requested to write directly to Country HR Head of Department or Group Chief HR Officer (GCHRO@ihhhealthcare.com).

The information you share via EthicsPoint is fully confidential and anonymous and is subject to provisions in the IHH Healthcare Whistle Blowing Policy including any requirements in law.

See the EthicsPoint FAQs, IHH Healthcare Whistle Blowing Policy and Data Protection Notice for more information.

To Make a Report

After you complete your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.