To Make a Report

Follow-up on a Report

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

  • Report Key:
  • Password:

If you do not have an EthicsPoint report key and password, your organization may have recently switched service providers. Please click continue to file a follow-up.


Our Commitment

Veractye is an organization with strong values of responsibility and integrity. Our Code of Business Conduct contains general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.

Veracyte is committed to an environment where open, honest communications are the expectation, not the exception. Each employee is responsible for asking questions if something is unclear and raising it immediately if you witness illegal or unethical behavior. We want you to feel comfortable in approaching your supervisor, management, or the Compliance Officer in instances where you believe violations of policies or standards may have occurred.

In situations where you prefer to place an anonymous report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. Veracyte treats concerns raised and issues reported with respect. We prohibit retaliation against anyone who in good faith: makes a report or complaint to Veracyte, cooperates or assists with an internal investigation, or provides any information to Veracyte about a breach of law or policy.

We are sensitive to and prioritize confidentiality and will make every effort to protect the identity of those who wish to file reports anonymously. However, in certain cases, due to the facts and circumstances involved in carrying out an internal investigation, or even specific legal requirements, it may not always be possible to protect your identity to the fullest extent. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.

See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.