Safe to Speak Up

Nau mai, haere mai.

Welcome to the NZTE reporting service.

How it works

Get in touch with the confidential Safe to Speak Up Service, using the online portal or by phone. You may choose to remain anonymous, or to provide your details

You will be given a unique code called a report key. Write down your code and create a passphrase you can remember easily, so you can follow up on your report later

If your report relates to bullying, harassment or discrimination it will be sent to the Director – People Advisory.  If it relates to other topics, it will be sent to the Director - Business Assurance.  They will determine whether your report needs investigating further and escalate it as necessary.

User your report key and password to check back after 2-3 working days for any follow up notes or questions

If your report needs to be investigated further, you will be kept informed the whole way, including the outcome and any next steps.

Get started

Report a concern online

After you make your report, you will be given a unique code called a report key. Write down this key code and create a passphrase you can remember easily, so you can follow up on your report later.

Report a concern by phone

Speak directly to an independent specialist

Find your local number

Follow up

Check the status of an existing report

Follow up

Our Commitment

Our vision is for everyone at Te Taurapa Tūhono | New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) to feel safe, welcomed, valued and heard. This commitment is backed up by the NZTE Fine Print and characters.

We want you to feel comfortable speaking to the person involved, or approaching your People Leader, or any other NZTE leader, when you come across behaviour that does not support our vision, including any potential breach of The Fine Print or the law.

In situations where you prefer to report or talk to someone external to NZTE, we encourage you to use this Safe to Speak Up service, hosted on the EthicsPoint platform by third-party provider, NAVEX Global.

NAVEX Global sends their report to the relevant NZTE investigator through a confidential, secure portal. You can see the investigator for each reporting category in our FAQ. Your report will never be sent to your people leader or to anyone named in the report.

See the Safe to Speak Up FAQs for more information.

Your wellbeing

We know that this process may be difficult and there are wellbeing resources available to support you. If you need someone to talk to confidentially, you can access our EAP provider to book in a free counselling session. Information and instructions for accessing EAP can be found here.

Our Wellbeing Hub is also a source of information to support you in managing your wellbeing. You can access the Wellbeing Hub here.

As always the Safety and Wellbeing team are here to help and provide advice on the right support option for you.

Six things to know about Safe to Speak Up

Who operates Safe to Speak Up?

Safe to Speak Up is administered by an independent company (NAVEX Global). The service is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in more than 75 languages. Please be aware that for less widely spoken languages, there may be a delay whilst you wait for an interpreter, or they may have to call you back.

Do I have to give my name when I speak up?

We hope that you feel comfortable to tell us who you are. However, if not, in countries where it is legally permitted, you may remain anonymous. It is generally difficult to investigate a report and act on the information you provide if your identity remains unknown. Providing your contact information can help us investigate fairly and take the best course of action.

In some countries there are restrictions on reporting anonymously. If this is the case for you, this will be made clear when you call Safe to Speak Up, or begin your online report.

What does confidential mean?

Confidential is not the same as anonymous.

Confidentiality means that your report will only be shared with a limited number of people on a strict need-to-know basis. Often, in order to assess the concern, and certainly if your concern becomes a formal complaint, we would need to inform the implicated person that a concern has been raised or a complaint made against them. We will ask your consent before doing this. Note that it may not be possible to take your concern further if you do not wish your identity to be known.

Will my report remain confidential?

Any report you make will be kept fully confidential where possible, consistent with the law. NZTE uses NAVEX Global’s EthicsPoint case management system to support the administration of Safe to Speak Up. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX Global’s secure servers and is not part of NZTE’s website or intranet. NAVEX Global do not trace phone calls or use functionality such as caller identification, nor do they log your IP address if you report online.

What will happen once I report my concern?

Your report will be sent confidentially to the Director – People Advisory Services if it relates to bullying/harassment discrimination, or to the Director Business Assurance for other topics. They will determine whether your report needs investigating further, and escalate it as necessary. If your complaint mentions either of these people, it will automatically be sent to someone else. Your report will never be sent to someone named in the complaint.

Depending on your concern, there may be informal resolution or a formal investigation. Throughout the process, all matters are taken seriously and investigated confidentially, impartially, and in a timely way. You can expect to be kept informed and supported along the way. You can find out more about the investigation process in the FAQ.

How do I follow up on my report? What if I reported anonymously?

Once you submit your concern via phone or web, you will receive a report key and will set a password which you can use to follow up on your submission. You can use this to track the progress of your issue, add further information, and answer any questions the investigator may have. For security, if you lose your unique reference number or password, you will have to file a new report, and state it is related to your previous report.