At United Malt, our values of Safety, Passion, Quality and Integrity are paramount in everything we do, both at work and outside, with our customers, contractors, vendors, suppliers, staff, friends and families. They are part of who we are as a business and as human beings, regardless of what country we live in, where we come from or the brands we associate with. We hold ourselves and those around us accountable to champion these values.
Integrity forms the foundation for our organization’s commitment to lead with accountability and transparency. Our Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Protection Policy contain specific guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics; everyone in the company has a role to play in bringing these ethics to life. United Malt’s goal is to create and maintain an organization where all employees feel comfortable voicing any thoughts or concerns directly to their supervisor, any other member of the Management team, Human Resources or our Board of Directors.
We are committed to protecting your identity should you wish to report confidentially, and in good faith, concerns or complaints regarding suspected breaches of the Code of Conduct or any of the types of misconduct or improper state of affairs or circumstances that are referred to as eligible disclosures under the Whistleblower Protection Policy. An independent external ethics portal has been established through NAVEX Global (EthicsPoint) to provide a safe and confidential environment for reporting.
United Malt also encourages third parties to utilize the ethics portal in good faith. Our customers, suppliers, stakeholders and members of the communities in which we operate may also report or disclose specific activities that are in breach of the Code of Conduct or which they feel should be reported under our Whistleblower Protection Policy.
The information you provide will be sent to us by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. You have our guarantee that your comments will be heard.
See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.