ethics line

our commitment

We genuinely seek to promote an open and honest communication environment, so that we can all, without fear, communicate those cases in which we believe that our Code of Conduct, policies and procedures are not being met.

If you were facing this situation:

  • You can talk directly with your bosses in a confidential manner.
  • You also have the possibility to place an anonymous report; if you prefer, you can do it through this channel or the phone number available for each country.

We assure you that the information you provide will be sent through EthicsPoint in a totally confidential and anonymous manner, if you wish so.

We guarantee your comments will be heard and we appreciate your commitment in order to continue making Inkia Energy a company where ethics guides our actions.


After completing your report, you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place.

After 5-6 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or follow-up questions.

EthicsPoint is not a 911, Emergency or customer support service.