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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use Speak Up?

Anyone who works for or on behalf of BT can use Speak Up to report suspected ethical or compliance related wrongdoing in BT. We receive most reports from BT employees, agency people and sub-contractors, but it is also available to suppliers and other third parties.

What sort of issues does Speak Up deal with?

Subject to local law, you can report any concern or suspicion about ethical or compliance related wrongdoing by a BT person, or anyone working on behalf of BT. Examples of concerns that we deal with are bribery, corruption, fraud, conflicts of interest, human rights, bullying and harassment, substance abuse, theft, or misuse of BT resources.

What if there are local legal restrictions on what I can report in my country?

In some countries, the law does restrict what or how you are allowed to report through Speak Up. When you phone Speak Up, or use the Speak Up web interface, you will be advised about any restrictions in your country. It is then your responsibility to adhere to these restrictions.

I'm really not sure that my suspicion is correct - should I wait until I'm sure and then contact Speak Up? What if I'm wrong?

Please don't wait. Any suspicion of a breach of BT's ethics and compliance policies should be reported to Speak Up, and will be checked out discreetly. If the person you suspect is truly acting ethically, then there will be no evidence to find, and the case will be closed. Your report will be kept confidential. It takes courage to Speak Up and we appreciate all reports made in good faith.

Who can I ask about Gifts & Hospitality?

If you are a BT employee you can directly contact your Line of Business Gifts & Hospitality approver here. Or you can ask a question above.

I have an outside interest but don’t know if I need to register?

We recommend that all interests are registered. If you are not sure if your outside interests overlap with your BT role register them anyway. Examples of interests that you should register include: outside employment; recruiting or managing a relative or partner; a relative or partner working for a BT supplier or customer; or having a material financial interest in a competitor, supplier or customer of BT.

For more information, you can check out our full set of FAQs here

You can tell us about low level non-compliance with our Ethics Code using our Open Door reporting channel, BTopendoor.ethicspoint.com