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Dear All,

Linxens has been and is fully committed to its Corporate Social Responsibility towards all the Group’s stakeholders – customers, suppliers, employees, communities and institutions.

Beyond the mandatory compliance with local legislation and regulations, we strongly believe that setting high standards in terms of ethics, business integrity and sustainability is our responsibility.

It is part of our values and missions, it is part of our DNA. Therefore it was natural for the Group to join the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and its 10 Principles in August 2017, to reaffirm these values and work towards making them universally accepted throughout the world.

Our environment is changing and will continue to change. We have, ourselves, recently changed and we need to continue to improve, taking all the challenges we are facing as opportunities to make ourselves better. The implementation of the Linxens CSR policies are basic but essential milestones for us. These milestones include the Business Code of Conduct, the Anti-Bribery Policy and the Competition Laws Code of Conduct, as well as the organization of the Compliance Department and the availability of our Ethics Line.

I am convinced that Linxens’ success cannot be separated from the well-being of our environment and our communities. We cannot be successful without being compliant and responsible towards all our stakeholders. It’s not an option, it’s our duty.

In this respect and benefiting from our experience, I have decided to materialize our approach through the recurring implementation of a five year plan, setting ambitious objectives, measurement tools and more regular updates.

I count on each of each and every one of us to continue promoting our objectives of excellence and to assist in implementing and improving our Corporate Social Responsibility Program as it is key to our future success.

Very truly yours,

Arnaud Brunetière
President & CEO

EthicsPoint - Integrity at Work
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