Our Commitment

Saxo is an organization with strong values and committed to the highest standard of openness, integrity and accountability which is why we have established a whistleblowing system not only for employees but also covering clients, partners and other stakeholders.

If you experience breaches committed by Saxo of applicable laws, guidelines, Saxo’s own policies, etc., you will be able to report your concerns with full confidentiality. If you prefer so, it is also possible to report anonymously.

The information you provide will be sent to Saxo by EthicsPoint on a totally confidential and anonymous basis if you should choose. You have our guarantee that your concerns will be heard and in cases where regulation permits it, we will provide feedback if you ask for it. If you believe that a concern you have raised has not been dealt with in a satisfactory manner, or you believe that you have been unfairly treated as a whistleblower, you are invited to approach the Group Whistleblower’s Champion. The Champion may be contacted via Compliance in Saxo.

See the FAQs for more information.

Saxo’s Whistleblower Privacy Notice can be found here.

To Make a Report

  • Select the "Make a Report" link at the top of this web page.

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key." Write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After 2-3 business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.