To make a report

Data Protection Notice:

I consent to the processing of my personal data and information as described in the Data Protection Notice.


By Phone

After you complete your report you will be assigned a unique code called a "report key". Please write down your report key and password and keep them in a safe place. After several business days, use your report key and password to check your report for feedback or questions.

Raben Group is a company with strong values of reliability and responsibility. We care for ethical aspects of all relations in the whole chain of values through the Code of Ethics available both for our employees and our service providers. Our Code of Ethics contains general guidelines for conducting business with the highest standards of ethics.

Raben Group is committed to an environment where open, honest communication is the expectation, not the exception. Employees and partners are able to voice their concerns in a responsible and effective manner when they discover information which they believe shows serious malpractice.

In situations where you prefer to place a report in confidence, you are encouraged to use this hotline, hosted by a third party hotline provider, EthicsPoint. You have a possibility to submit reports relating to violations stated in our Code of Ethics and Compliance Policy as well as asking for guidance related to policies and the procedure and providing suggestions and feedback.

The best way to express concern is to do so openly. Openness makes it easier for us to tackle the issue, work out how to investigate the matter, understand any motives and get more information. The information you provide will be sent to us confidentially by EthicsPoint and if you give your name it is not revealed without your consent. If you prefer, you can raise a concern anonymously.

Time is of key importance, therefore, you should inform about your concerns at the earliest opportunity rather than wait to collect evidence. On the other hand, supporting evidence for the allegations is very helpful.

You have our guarantee that your comments will be listened to. You will be kept informed of the progress and the outcome of the investigation, within the constraints of maintaining confidentiality or observing legal restrictions generally.

See the EthicsPoint FAQs for more information.