Six things you need to know about Speak Up

What is Speak Up?

Speak Up is Convatec’s reporting channel. It is a confidential channel via the telephone or internet to share suspicions or concerns of a potential breach of our Code of Conduct, key policies or law. This reporting channel can also be used to ask questions about business scenarios, interactions with third parties (e.g., Healthcare Professionals, Patients, distributors, and vendors) and clarification on our Code, policies, local laws, and applicable industry codes.

Who administers Convatec’s Speak Up channels?

Convatec Speak Up is administered by an independent company (NAVEX), and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can accommodate calls in all our local languages. When voicing concerns, you have the option to remain anonymous, where allowed by local law.

Who else can I speak to?

Convatec encourages speaking up to the channel you are most comfortable, such as your line manager, another member of management, your local compliance officer, Legal, Human Resources or the Ethics and Compliance team.

What happens after I contact Speak Up?

Once you submit a question or concern via the phone or web, you will receive a report key and password which can be used to follow up on your submission. Each situation that has been reported will be investigated in accordance with Convatec’s Global Confidential and Non-Retaliation Policy.

What is Convatec's stance on retaliation?

Convatec prohibits retaliation against any employee that reports a truthful concern and will keep such reports confidential to the extent possible, consistent with Convatec’s legal responsibilities and obligations to fully investigate potential misconduct and to protect public health and safety.

We consider acts of retaliation to be misconduct. We encourage open communication from all employees and third parties and seek to create a secure environment to raise concerns regarding actions or behaviors that are inconsistent with our Code, policies, and law. Every report of retaliation is thoroughly investigated.

Are reports to Speak Up secure and confidential?

Convatec uses NAVEX's EthicsPoint case management application to support the administration of Speak Up. EthicsPoint is hosted on NAVEX's secure servers and is not part of Convatec’s website or Intranet. Any report you make will be kept confidential to the fullest extent possible.